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Client Manager [Remote] - Public Relations experience preferred / #twiceasnice Recruiting
United States
| Full-time
| Fully remote
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Application Form
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First Name *
Last Name
Email *
Phone *
Resume *
Will you now, or in the future require the hiring company to commence (“sponsor”) an immigration case in order to employ you (for example, H-1B or other employment-based immigration case)? *
What's the highest level of education you have completed? *
Some High School
High School Diploma
Some College
Associate's Degree
Bachelor's Degree
Master's Degree
How many years of project management experience do you have? *
How many projects across how many clients do you have experience managing at various stages at one time? *
How many years of client management in B2B environment experience do you have? *
What interests you most about this opportunity? A sentence (or a few) is fine. *
What is your home city? *
What is your desired salary? *
LinkedIn Profile link: *
Thanks for your time
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